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пятница, 11 октября 2013 г.

PyraMMMid (English)

Russia at the beginning of the 1990's: a country in the throes of a painful transition from the Soviet planned economy to a free market. Simple people, who once enjoyed stable living conditions, were distraught and fearful. A former research assistant, Sergey Mamontov, dismissed due to government cuts, looks for a way to apply himself and his uncomplicated mind. He orders a template for a share certificate with a ligature and the old Czarist Imperial crown, rich ornamentation, watermarks, and his own portrait right in the center. The price of these certificates, which resemble banknotes, he sets himself, and he starts to trade in them on the principle that today's price is always higher than yesterday's. Just over twoweeks proves long enough for the nation to stand in line for his "Mamontovki" (as these certificates come to be called) and in the process, he becomes a national hero. 
The movie is based on true story of Sergey Mavrodi, lider of Financial and socio-political organization, concludes tens of millions members worldwide. The main purpose is the financial apocalypse and the struggle against the global financial system.
Learn more about the ideology of the system here:

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